Racing Trophies and Awards
Our club historians Michael Hurley and Janette Eagle dedicated countless hours in the fall of 2023, creating a compilation of all the trophies and awards that adorn our trophy cases.
The Racing Trophies and Awards are listed below. The Non-Racing Trophies and Awards can be found here.
The list below captures the title, category, image, description and a short list of past recipients.
The objective is not only to inform but also to expand on the history of these honours. If you have comments, corrections or additions, please email them to the Fleet Captain (

The “Blue Shark” Trophy
Club Championship, One Design Racing, Shark 24 Class

This is the second of two half models built and donated by Rob Archer. The Blue Shark was first awarded in 2018 for the overall winner of the newly formed One Design Race series held on Tuesday nights with a set mark course. This series is intended for groups of the same boat make/model to complete boat for boat without handicap; currently only Sharks are competing.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Toga!!
2023 - Toga!!
2022 - Toga!!
The “Red Shark” Trophy
Club Championship, One Design Racing, Shark 24 Class, Fixed Marks

This is the first of two Shark half models built and donated by Rob Archer. The Red Shark was first awarded in 2017 to the overall winner of the Shark class for Wednesday night racing on the fixed mark course.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not scheduled
2023 - Not scheduled
2022 - Not scheduled
The McVay Trophy
Club Championship, Handicap Racing, PHRF1 FS Division

McVay Boats built the 18ft Minuette and the 24ft Bluenose. Originally this trophy was awarded only to sailors of McVay Boats. First awarded in 1967, it was redeeded in 1970 to be used for all keel boats, and is now used for the Large Flying Sails Class
Year - Recipients
2024 - Viking, skipper John Scurr
Division 99 Cruising Trophy
Club Championship, Handicap Racing, PHRF1 NFS Division

This award is given to the overall winner of the club racing program in the Non-Flying Sails (NFS) class (this class used to be known as the ‘cruising class’, and refers to yachts that race without using a spinnaker). It was first awarded in 1979 and is still in use today.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Scalliwag, skipper Stan Naylor
Division 3 Trophy
Club Championship, Handicap Racing, PHRF2 FS Division

This trophy is part of the annual club championship and is awarded to the overall Flying Sails division winner. The trophy has been in use since 1976.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Maurader, skipper Jaime Dike
Division VI Trophy
Club Championship, Handicap Racing, PHRF2 NFS Division

Originally for miscellaneous keel boats, this was first awarded in 1979, and is now used for Small Non-Flying Sails.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Binalong, skipper Tony Cahill
Single Handed Racing Trophy

Presented to the winner of a series of single-handed races. First used 2003.
Year - Recipients
2018 to 2024 - Not scheduled
Handicap Racing, PHRF FS and NFS

First awarded in 1989, the Frostbite Trophy is awarded to the division winners of a series of races that take place late in the season, usually September into October, with the series being completed by the Thanksgiving weekend.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
The Junior Cup
One Design Racing, A Dinghy Class

Presented by R.D. Ruddy for Annual Competition amongst the Dinghy Class. Used from 1973 to 1980.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Open Regatta, "Division l Trophy"
Misc OD Division

Originally for Dinghy Class, now for miscellaneous keel or a One Design fleet. 1977 to present.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Open Regatta, "Division II Trophy"
Thunderbird Class

Used from 1977 to 2000 for one design racing by the Thunderbird class at the Open Regatta.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Open Regatta, "Division III" Trophy
Handicap Racing, PHRF2 NFS Division

Small Non-Flying Sails. 1977 to present.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Open Regatta, "Division IV" Trophy
Handicap Racing, PHRF2 FS Division

Small Flying Sails. 1977 to present.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Open Regatta, "Division V" Trophy
Handicap Racing, PHRF1 NFS Division

Large Non-flying Sails. 1977 to 2017
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Open Regatta, "Division VI" Trophy
Handicap Racing, PHRF1 FS Division

Large Flying Sails
1979 to present.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Woman's Challenge Trophy
Medium Distance Handicap Race, All female crews

This award was originally presented in 1970 as the “Powder Puff” trophy, using the cup that is now the “Ports of Call”. Wisely, Fleet Captain Herb Knight changed the name in 1997! While not currently in use, it was for an annual race involving all female participants.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Centennial Bowl
Medium Distance Handicap Racing, Four PHRF Divisions

“Whitby Centennial Bowl 1855-1955
Annual Race Cruising Yachts Toronto to Whitby
Presented by Whitby Chamber of Commerce”
The Centennial Bowl was donated by the Town of Whitby in 1955, on the occasion of the Town's 100th year of incorporation. The Town hosted the first race from Toronto to Whitby, followed by a celebration in the harbour. Though it was meant to be awarded annually, the winner, Al Rae Jr, took the trophy at his home, where it stayed until he returned it in 1989. Since that time the Bowl has been awarded annually to the winners of the PHRF1 FS, PHRF1 NFS, PHRF2 FS and PHRF2 NFS divisions (FS - Flying Sails, NFS - Non Flying Sails) of a medium distance race.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Tuscarora Race/Cruise Trophy
Medium Distance Pursuit Race

Awarded to the winner of a 31 nm pursuit fun race from Whitby Yacht Club to Tuscarora Yacht Club in Wilson, New York as part of a cruising weekend. First run in 2022 and continuing to present.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Mayor's Cup, Medium Distance Pursuit Race, PHRF FS

“In commemoration of Whitby’s 125th Anniversary, Overall Race Winner”
The Mayor's Cup was donated in 1980, Whitby's 125th year, by the Town of Whitby and Mayor James Gartshore for a race held during Harbour Days. The races were first run out of the Marina as part of the Caribbean Cup race from Whitby to Oshawa during the Caribbean festival in Oshawa. Both the Port Whitby Marina and WYC participated, with the Marina hosting a BBQ and WYC running the races. Eventually the event migrated to WYC and is still annually presented by the Mayor's representative to the Flying Sails class winner of a medium distance pursuit race.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Jaime Dike (Marauder, Kirby 25)
Jean Burns Memorial Cup, Mayor's Cup, Medium Distance Pursuit Race, PHRF NFS

This cup was donated by members of the Port Whitby Marina after the passing of Jean Burns in 1985. It is presented to the winner of the Mayor's Cup race, Non-Flying Sails division.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Mike Kern (Transmission, C&C 115)
Stonehaven Cup, Medium Distance Handicap Racing, Four PHRF Divisions

The Stonehaven Cup, along with the Macdonnel Cup, is from the original Whitby Yacht Club. Both were acquired at the same time. It was first awarded in 1935 and was originally used for races between Whitby and Oshawa. We continue to use it for a medium distance race (usually to Oshawa and back, or Frenchman's Bay and back). It is awarded to the winners of the PHRF1 FS, PHRF1 NFS, PHRF2 FS and PHRF2 NFS divisions (FS - Flying Sails, NFS - Non Flying Sails).
Year - Recipients
2024 - PHRF 1 FS, Viking, skipper John Scurr; PHRF1 NFS, Scalliwag, skipper Stan Naylor; PHRF2 FS, Bandit, skipper Geoff Reher; PHRF2 NFS, Firebird II, skipper Bob Young
Whitby 50 Trophy
Long Distance Handicap Racing, PHRF FS and PHRF NFS Divisions

Awarded to the winners of the Flying Sails and Non-Flying Sails divisions of a 50 nautical mile overnight race. Donated by Electo-Meters, it was first awarded in 2008.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
2023 - Not awarded
2022 -
2021 -
2020 -
Whitby 100 Trophy
Long Distance Handicap Racing, PHRF FS and PHRF NFS Divisions

Awarded to the winners of the Flying Sails and Non-Flying Sails divisions of a race of approximately 100 nautical miles in length. This was the repurposed ‘Club Carib’ Trophy.
Year - Recipients
2024 - FS, Viking, skipper John Scurr; NFS, Not awarded
Jack and Jill Trophies, Cruising Class and Racing Class

The Jack and Jill race is a mixed double-headed medium distance race, crewed by one male and one female. The race can be either fleet start or pursuit format. There is a trophy for each of the race classes, Cruising, which is now called Non Flying Sails (NFS), and Racing, now known as Flying Sails (FS). The racing class trophy was first awarded in 1987, with the cruising class added the following year.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Racer of the Year Trophy

First awarded in 1980, this trophy is awarded to someone who races regularly, is clearly trying to do well, but isn't doing quite as well as they hoped!
Year - Recipients
2024 - Alex Tomberg
Crew of the Year Trophy

Since 1980, this plaque has been awarded to the crew member that has gone above and beyond in racing or cruising. The boat shoes belonged to long time member Mike Hurley.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
Macdonell Cup,
Lady Skipper

“Presented to The Whitby Yacht Club by Miss Emily L. Macdonell for annual competition by Lady Skippers”.
First awarded to J. May Matheson in 1939.
This trophy, along with the Stonehaven Cup, were from the original Whitby Yacht Club that was located on the north-eastern shore of the harbour. The club disbanded due to the Second World War, but the cups were both saved by former member Ward Irwin and donated back to WYC in the 80’s. We first used it in 1984.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Marisa Shea
Totem Too Trophy, Best Out-of-Town Performance

The Totem Too trophy was initially given to Harry “Tanker” Jones on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 1986. The trophy is named after Tanker’s Thunderbird Totem Too, with which he won the Thunderbird Worlds held at WYC in 1973.
“Presented Annually for the best Out of Town Performance by a WYC Yacht”.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Toga!!
The WYC Racing Program “Unsung Heroes” Trophy

First awarded in 1991, this award recognises those who have been instrumental in making the racing program happen, usually those serving regularly on the race committee.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Not awarded
2023 - Ken Armes, Derek Reynolds, Paul Duff, Steve Evans, Amanda Edgeworth, Jack Martin, Suzanne Martin, Karen Edgington, Yuri Okorokov, Pat Edgington, Richard McKean, Melissa Rypstra, Dave MacKinnon
Bob Townsend Memorial Trophy, Most Active Racer

“Presented to the Most Active Racer”
Bob was an honorary member of WYC and actively raced his yacht “Odessey” in club events, races throughout Lake Ontario and on the East Coast including the Bermuda One Two race. This stunning glasswork was donated by his family in his memory.
The Active Racer Trophy has been presented annually since 2012 to the Whitby Yacht Club boat that competes in the most races during the season, including races held outside of the Whitby Yacht Club.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Toga!!
Paulaner Cup, Most Improved Shark

This cup was donated to the club in 2022 by Kevin Choquette on the behalf of Paulaner Beers. It is presented to the Shark skipper that has shown great improvement in the past season.
Year - Recipients
2024 - Tony Burghardt
The WYC Annual Bathtub Race Trophy
Fun Race

1983-1985, during Whitby Harbour Days. Member George Griffin won twice…in a real bathtub!
Year - Recipients
1986 to present - Not scheduled
1985 - George Griffin
Division I Trophy
Not Assigned

In use from 1977 to 2005, the Division 1 trophy was originally for the Dinghy Class. Over the years it was also used for the J24 fleet and miscellaneous small Flying Sails classes.
Year - Recipients
Division II The Power Trophy
Not Assigned

“T” Bird Class Annual Competition
Used for the once popular Thunderbird Class, in use from 1966-2000
Year - Recipients
The Carling Community Arts Foundation Challenge Cup

This was a race held by Club Carib during Fiesta week, 1976-1983.
Year - Recipients
Col. W. C. Paynter Memorial Trophy
OD Racing, Thunderbird Class

Carib Cup Race Fiesta Week, Thunderbird Class. 1977-1981.
Year - Recipients
Whitby Harbour Challenge Cup

(Need to confirm!) Likely for the annual Dragon Boat Race held between the Club and the Marina?
Year - Recipients